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Welcome to OOO Dog Problems, your best source of information on dog care!

Any owner knows that their pet can be a handful at times.  With ownership comes great responsibility – taking care of your dog is a lot of work.  Living with your pet entails raising him properly.

As a responsible owner, you need to look out for potential problems, such as dominant tendencies or over-protectiveness.

Indeed, caring for your dog takes just as much effort as raising a child!  Even the most devoted of “parents” can find themselves frazzled from a long day of managing their pet’s unruly behavior.  Trust us, anyone with a dog has felt like throwing in the towel at one point or another!

However, having a pet at home doesn’t mean you can’t have a smooth relationship with your beloved companion.  There are ways to curb unwanted behavior, and the secrets to excellent dog training are now just a few clicks away.

Discover the 7 Biggest Dog Obedience Training Mistakes!

That’s where we come in.  You’ve certainly come to the right place as we’ve got the informational resources you need to take the stress out of dog ownership.  With our guidance, you can save yourself a lot of needless teeth-gnashing and start enjoying a peaceful co-existence with your furry friend.

If you dream of having a well-behaved dog, your struggles end here.  Let us save you the trouble of doing the legwork – we’ve put together a team of specialists on dog problems so you can learn from the best.

You’ll find a series articles which tackle specific obedience problems.  Yes, you CAN teach an old dog new tricks!  Our step-by-step methods will show you exactly how to help your pal unlearn those annoying habits and see the light.

At OOO Dog Problems, we understand how important your pet is to you.  As dog lovers ourselves, we know what it’s like to deal with all sorts of pet issues.  That’s why it’s equally important for us to give our fellow owners a helping hand.

Your problems are our problems, so feel free to take a look around.  We’re sure you’ll find a handful of articles that will put your dog on the path to a healthier and happier future.

Start browsing through our site to learn about the most useful ways to rid yourself of the most typical dog-related woes out there.  It’s time to get crackin’ and be on your way to become yet another success story!

I want to know the 7 Biggest Dog Obedience Training Mistakes!

Stop Dog Scratching

It’s not uncommon for dogs to suffer persistent itchiness that leads to scratching. This affliction not only bothers pets, but their owners as well.

There are a number of reasons behind this, but there are ways to stop dog scratching. Any owner needs to deal with this issue early on, lest your dog scratch himself raw and risk other complications.

Why is my dog itchy?

Before you get to the business of stopping dog scratching, you need to know and understand the underlying factors that trigger the problem.

If your dog exhibits any symptoms characterized by raw skin, lesions and hair loss in certain spots, it could be a bacterial issue. Harmful microorganisms could very well be causing your dog unbearable discomfort.

Just like humans, dogs can also experience an adverse reaction to certain types of food or substances that may irritate their skin. The presence of ticks and airborne impurities may be wreaking havoc on your dog’s well-being.

Click here now to learn how to stop dog scratching!

Thus, it’s important not to expose a dog to excessive outdoor activities which increases the risk of irritation and subsequent scratching.

A malnourished pet can also end up scratching him or herself. Bad skin is often caused by a simple lack of vitamins and minerals; this could lead to all sorts of epidermal woes, which are typically characterized by itchiness.

Of course, little critters like ticks and fleas are well-known harbingers of itchiness. When they latch on to your dog’s skin, contact with these bloodsuckers will cause inflammation which in turn triggers the urge to scratch.

A veterinarian will be able to prescribe an effective combination of anti-flea shampoo and other external treatments to kill those bothersome pests.

However, it could all be in your dog’s head. Sometimes, there is no external reason why your dog is subject to fits of scratching. The culprit could be that he or she is simply bored and needs to get out more.

All dogs require varying amounts of physical activity to keep an alert mind and a good disposition. A healthy dose of fun and socialization could rid your pet of his or her nervous tic.

Given these factors, you have to pinpoint which of these things are giving your pet grief. Once you’ve correctly diagnosed the cause, only then can you begin to stop scratching.

Getting Professional Help

It’s vital for your local vet to have a look at your dog. He or she will be able to perform a battery of tests which will narrow down the suspected causes.

An external infection of a biological origin can be remedied through a variety of topical treatments.

In case it’s allergic in nature, you can also stop dog scratching by changing what your pet eats as well as medications to inhibit the adverse reaction.

And as said earlier, ticks and fleas will go away with the right treatment such as flea collars and powder, external sprays, and medicated body washes.

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Putting an End to Head Games

One of the most challenging aspects of stopping dog scratching is when it’s triggered by an emotional cycle. There are no direct physical causes in this case, so it’s more difficult to deal with such an intangible problem.

As such, you need to get in your dog’s head and help him undo the mental habits which are causing him to scratch. Like we mentioned before, abnormal amounts of anxiety and emotional stress will drive a dog to act out in different ways.

And as you’ve probably guessed, the need to scratch is one of these side effects; it’s right up there with excessive licking, biting, and chewing. Under the right conditions, this can serve as a coping mechanism which serves as a psychological release for your dog.

One strategy to counter this is by applying a foul-tasting but otherwise harmless spray which contains citronella. The scent is also quite unpleasant, which makes this ideal for the areas where your dog likes to chew, lick and bite.

You might have also seen one of those neck cones which will physically prevent a dog from resorting to scratching. This is also a good measure but like the spray, it doesn’t address the actual issue.

Hence, you need to redirect all that built-up energy towards constructive channels. Running, playing catch, walks in the park and other activities will prevent frustration from not doing anything all day.

It’s vital that you closely monitor your dog’s condition to see if the scratching goes away after trying the solutions we’ve discussed here. Otherwise, it’s time for another trip to the vet in order to re-assess the problem and finally stop your dog’s scratching.

As with other typical canine ailments, you need to be on top of these things so that they don’t get out of hand. It really boils down to looking out for the warning signs and taking immediate action.

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Clicker Dog Training

The great thing about clicker dog training is that it’s guaranteed to be an indispensable training tool – regardless of the breed you own.

The basic concept behind clicker dog training also makes it easy for a relatively inexperienced owner to quickly instruct their pet how to perform a wide range of commands with minimal stress.

What exactly makes clicker dog training so effective?

Dogs are essentially creatures of habit. Their entire lives revolve around a set routine, and training them should also take a repetitive approach. With clicker dog training, you can easily provide auditory cues for your pet to follow so that they know they’re doing something right.

This method of instruction is optimal because dogs generally have a sharp sense of hearing which makes clicker training perfect for them. Thanks to the sound the clicker makes, your dog will have a crystal clear idea of what pleases you.

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In order for your dog to realize that the clicker sound is a good thing, he or she needs to associate it with something pleasant, such as a reward in the form of food. The beauty of clicker dog training is in its simplicity – it won’t take long for your pet to develop the right behavior.

So the fundamental point to remember here is that clicker dog training is meant to ingrain the habits needed to help him or her peacefully co-exist with their human family. Thus, the clicking sound is a clear and direct way of telling them that they should carry on with what they just did.

Getting hands-on with clicker dog training

What you should understand is that clicker dog training is similar to the Pavlovian response. Psychologist Ivan Pavlov discovered that a subject could mentally link a positive stimulus to a desired behavior.

As a result, the subject will be motivated to repeatedly perform a given action thanks to the promise of a reward.

So, getting started with clicker dog training is done by first making your dog perform a specific action. After they’ve successfully completed the command, administer the positive stimulus via a click followed by your treat of choice.

With clicker dog training, you might be surprised with how little time it will take for your dog to successfully do the things that you previously struggled with.

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A dog is hardwired to comply to this style of training. Once your pet draws the connection between the clicker and the treats you hand out, it’ll be smooth sailing afterwards.

In time, you can actually substitute your food rewards with something equally gratifying for your dog, such as physical affection. What’s important is that you keep associating the clicking sound with something good and not confuse him with verbal commands at this point (we’ll get to that next).

Moving on to verbal commands

The ultimate goal of clicker dog training is for it to serve as a gateway of sorts into the realm of spoken commands. The clicker should only prime your dog’s brain to take cues from you; eventually you need to move on to actually speaking to him or her.

Introduce verbal commands into the mix by telling him or her what you want to do (i.e., sit, stay, stop) and then doing the usual clicker-reward routine. This is how your dog will come to recognize your spoken word as something they must – and want – to follow.

The end result should be that your dog will be able to do what you want after you’ve weaned them off the clicker sound and the ensuing reward.

The clicker dog training is your best bet in getting your dog to comply with your commands without the hassle or drama. By getting them into the habit of following you (through a cost-effective method of training), you can enjoy a peaceful relationship with your beloved companion.

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Aggressive Behavior in Dogs

Aggressive behavior in dogs is caused by lots of factors. It can be due to a bad experience they had as puppies, such as being attacked by another dog.

Whatever the cause is, aggressive behavior in dogs should be addressed immediately to prevent untoward incidents.

Bad Experiences

The experiences of your dog from 6-14 weeks of age are crucial to his or her development and socialization skills. During this time, your little pooch will learn pack manners.

This will form the core values and habits which he or she will have for the remainder of their life.

Being with his or her mother is important as it helps nip aggressive dog behavior in the bud. In fact, this is the best time to obedience train your dog.

It is through these experiences that your dog learns how to behave. Needless to say, hitting, yelling, and other harsh punishment is a no-no as it promotes aggressive dog behavior.

Click Here to Learn How to Stop Aggressive Behavior in Dogs!

Using pain or violence won’t reinforce any positive habits – it will only teach a dog that humans are NOT to be trusted.

It is also important not to take the puppy away from the litter until 8-weeks of age. The feeling of belonging in a family can help them embrace the culture of the pack. Various undesirable habits will be corrected by the mother.

Also, a puppy will learn to keep him or herself in check when playing with their siblings. A yelp of pain will signal that they shouldn’t go too far.

Dogs that are not well-socialized tend to be aggressive in many ways.

Different aggressive dog behavior such as nipping, biting, destroying furniture, etc. surface as they grow older. A lack of proper exercise and playtime will not only cause a large amount of anxiety to accumulate within a dog, it will also make him or her wary of strangers.

Heredity and Genetics

Breeds such as pitbulls and rottweilers are often referred to as aggressive. In fact, they are the ones usually feared by many as they seem to have the ability to cause pain to people especially children.

Fear not! There is no real evidence that there is such a thing as an aggressive dog breed. It really has something to do with the environment and how they were raised. Thus, certain breeds undeservedly get a bad rap when in fact improper upbringing is the real culprit.

Additionally, dogs that have not been spayed or neutered tend to be prone to behaving aggressively. That’s why, its advisable to properly care for your dog to help prevent violent behavior.

Learn How to Stop Aggressive Behavior in Dogs Now!

The Environment

Just like humans, dogs adapt to the environment. If they are raised in rough surroundings, then there is a great chance for them to be violent.

For example, it’s necessary to keep your dog well-socialized and make sure that they live in a safe and clean environment as it affects their overall well-being. Environment refers to both the physical surrounding as well as the social atmosphere where your dogs live. These two aspects are crucial to raising a well-adjusted and sociable dog.

Remember that you should always be the ‘alpha dog’ and make them feel that you are superior. It is normal for a puppy to establish dominance at a young age, but aggression can be prevented by not letting them take control of the household.

Your dog must understand early on that you are at the top of the food chain. Rewards and punishments come from you, and they are to comply with the rules of pack life from day one.

Stop Dog Aggression

However, it is never too late to stop aggressive behavior in your dog even if they’re relatively grown up. Of course, it will be more of a challenge for your pet to unlearn bad habits. Nevertheless, a dog still has hope for significant behavior modification with enough patience and persistence.

By establishing the simple and non-negotiable reality that you’re the master, you will be able to instil respect from your dog. They just need to associate your presence with the concept of authority.

Positive reinforcement is a great way to train your dog to respond to your commands. In fact, the younger you start obedience training your dog, the better companions they can be.

Giving out a reward at the appropriate time is going to make it easier for your dog to listen to your commands. Your pet needs to understand that good behaviour means positive stimulus.

When your dog associates a given action with something pleasant like food or praise, they will slowly cease undesired behaviour. This is because they will have no motivation to be unwieldy or aggressive.

All in all, the earlier you can introduce good habits into your dog’s consciousness, the easier it will be to get them on the right track. A dog is what he or she repeatedly does – with your gentle guidance, you can reduce dog aggression effectively.

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